Quick Coherence Technique

Breathing technique to gain peace and clarity in as little as 2 minutes.

I have been fortunate to have studied some techniques for calming our emotions through the HeartMath® Institute. This is one of my favorite techniques which has helped me get through challenging moments during my work day. 

Most techniques require you to take time out of your day to do yoga or meditation or go for a walk to calm yourself down. Some techniques require preparation like setting an intention or breathing exercises in the morning. Some techniques help you deal with the fall out after the event has occurred, like journaling or reflecting.

But life isn't that simple. We get curve balls during the day which we haven't anticipated. We cannot always walk away to calm ourselves down. We may not have time in the evening to process things. 

So this technique is ideally suited when things happen and you need to quickly dial yourself down in the moment. Or if you know you are getting into a meeting or event and you don't have much time to prep.

I also use this technique to clear my mind before I write my emails, letters or articles. It takes me to a happy place so my messages are filled with joy and hope.

I would recommend practicing this with your eyes closed at first. Then when you are used to it, practice it with your eyes open so you can do this while face to face with someone else. Use the audio file until you can do this on your own. 

It is sufficient to do this technique for 2 minutes or 10 deep breaths. But of course, it feels really good so you can continue for as long as you like. 

* 1 deep breath = 5 seconds breathing in, 5 seconds breathing out

Please follow this link to automatically download the Quick Coherence Technique® from the HeartMath® Institute. Then check your downloads folder. 

Download the Quick Coherence Technique audio file

"This deep breathing technique has become my anchor in moments of stress, providing immediate sense of calm and clarity. This simple practice helps me prepare and remain grounded before presentations. Deep breathing has not only reduced tension but also improved my focus and overall well-being." 

-- JC, analyst at City of Burbank


"I've been using this technique to calm myself down every day. Every time I notice my heart or mind racing, I take 2 mins to clear it out. In the last few months, I've noticed a definite shift in my mental state: I feel calmer during highly charged meetings, I'm able to still think clearly, and I'm able to think before responding."

-- MS, delivery lead at TD Bank

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