To live, to love and to dream!

Come join me in a beautiful life!

Ma Vié Belle! was born as a result of my journey into discovering my "greater self". 

I had a successful career earning lots of money but it felt like I was just "existing". 

I had a lot of fears and was stuck in patterns in life that didn't feel authentic to me but that was who I thought I had to be.

Then I started down this path of self discovery, of facing my fears and finding illusions, of breaking out of my self-made prison of smallness, and of realizing that life can be as wonderful as I dreamed it could be!

And out of this overflow of joy and gratitude, I would love to share what I've learned with those of you who are also seeking out your destiny and life purpose and have the courage to follow your dreams.

Michelle recovering from appendicitis surgery. Oct 2022

About Michelle Skalnik

My name is Michelle and I was a functioning neurotic.

I learned early in life to be a perfectionist. I figured if I could control everything so that nothing is out of place, then I would be safe, that I would have the life I wanted. And it worked (to an extent). I graduated first in my class, I received my masters degree in record time, I had a great career and earned a lot of money. But I also started getting migraines, I started loosing my hair, my hormones became unbalanced, I would get sick every winter, I went from one bad relationship to another, and I lived in constant stress and anxiety. 

Externally I was a success, with 25 years in the IT industry leading teams of up to 40 people delivering multi-million dollar projects... But internally my life was empty.

Then one day, I was leading three high priority million dollar projects at the same time, ignoring my growing stress and burn-out, when my appendix burst. I was taken to the hospital for surgery and was forced to stay in bed for the most part of three weeks.

I realized that this is not the life I've always wanted. I took a wrong turn somewhere along the way. So I started to listen to my heart, to search for my passion, to find out how to make my life amazing. With a humble heart, I read books and articles, I attended seminars, I joined programs and tried different healing modalities.

I have turned my life around, pursuing my dreams and aligned my career to my passion (Ma Vié Belle!). I have retired from full time work at 47, and we have moved to the south of France to pursue our dream life. I am continually growing my relationship with my loving husband, and establishing a practice of helping others find the life they love! 

I know my journey is still unfolding but I am now in a better place: of happiness each moment, of appreciation for others, of gratitude for what I have, of hope and excitement for what's to come. I am becoming more of who I am supposed to be. I am a better "Me" than ever before. I've cast off my old mantle of care and worry. And I'm learning to trust that... My Life Is Beautiful.

And I want to share this gift of life with you. I waited more than 40 years to find mine. Life is short, don't wait! 

My Life is Beautiful

I don't have all the answers, 

but I do have some good ones.

Your answers may be different from mine, 

and they're inside you.

I can help you look.

My journey is not complete,

but my life has already blossomed.

Come join me in the quest

for a beautiful life.

And maybe we can walk

side by side for a while.

- With love, 

Michelle Skalnik

Photo by John Mccann on Unsplash